LL.M. in International Business Law - Dubai
LL.M. in International Business Law - Dubai
LL.M. in International Business Law - Dubai
Launch:19/12/2022 at 09:00
Closing:30/04/2024 at 23:59
Time zone: Europe/Paris
The LL.M program prepares students and professionals to master important cross-borders mergers or financial transactions, funding, restructuring, LBO, financial engineering, and setting-up of industrial projects. These transactions are particularly interesting as they raise many difficulties and lead to the adoption of innovative solutions. Their study and the analysis of the legal, financial, and accounting issues they raise are particularly formative. The student or the professionals will tackle with different viewpoints and in a very interactive way the contracts, the guarantees, the funding or the settling of international trade dispute, just to quote key areas. Lectures are taught excusively in English by both Panthéon-Assas professors and local renowned practitionners.