Certificate in Talent Management


Certificate in Talent Management

Certificate in Talent Management

alarm Launch:

22/04/2022 at 09:00

schedule Closing:

21/12/2022 at 23:59


Time zone: Europe/Paris

The struggle to attract and retain the right talent has become a key strategic issue for employers, especially in Asia. Digital disruption combined with the critical skills gap and a limited talent pool have created a hyper-competitive hiring environment. To tackle this challenge, employers need a good understanding of the context and well-trained HR profiles who can develop the employer’s brand and adapt to a digital future. Drawing on the successful experiences of major French and European multinationals in attracting and retaining top talent in the ASEAN countries, this programme will prepare young HR executives for the future of work by :
◼ Reinforcing their knowledge of current HR management issues
◼ Upgrading their skills in talent management processes : identification, attraction, retention and development
◼ Providing them with an overview of the main strategic drivers of digital disruption in the HR field and business management in a globalized context

The programme is developed and delivered by one of the world’s leading Human Resources Management schools, the CIFFOP, which is part of the prestigious Université Paris-Panthéon-Assas.
